
Monday, April 26, 2010

Keeping it real...

Someone posted a dare on the Cricut mb and I'm rising to the challenge -- Take a picture of your scrap table right now. Done.

I am a complete organizing freak. Do you believe it?? LOL!!! ...Ok, I'm a complete organizing freak wannabe. What is it they say about a messy desk?

My excuse is that I was up late working on a project. Do you see the cute little crib in that chaos somewhere? That's what I was working on... When I finish it, I'll show you the final project and where I got the idea.



Sandy C. said...

When did you sneak in and take a pic of my desk?!! LOL Mine is much worse. I just found your blog from the MB. Love your create a critter birdy/worm card. What butterflys are those? Thanks so much. Oh, by the way, I am total organizer freak wannabee as well. There should be a support group. Take care. Sandy C.

Scrapperdee said...

I LOVE your space - its so large. I can barely get 1 piece of 12x12 on my alloted space.